Sunday, February 27, 2011

Society's Issues

There's a show on HGTV called "Holmes on Homes" that I love to watch. The premise of this show is that Mike Holmes and his company go around fixing houses for people that have been taken for a ride by a contractor or two. There's been some really bad stuff on this show that I've seen. I'm not a contractor, or even any kind of construction worker. I'm just a guy that loves to play with power tools and believes that guys should still fix stuff on their own (assuming it isn't too major).

Regardless, the merits of the show or my ability to do home improvement projects is not the point here. The need for a show like this is my point. "Holmes on Homes" has a great premise, but it shouldn't be necessary. At what point did doing a job properly become a reason to get praised? What kind of world do we live in that needs a man to go around and make a big deal out of doing things correctly?

I understand that this isn't the norm, but it's still an odd state of affairs when we need to give a man a TV show to emphasize how important it is to do things the right way the first time.

I've written a few stories that might have a social comment or two in them, but I've never really been one to do any more than take a cheap shot at something in a story. I generally try to stay away from overall social commentary. For one, I don't feel that I'm well-equipped to do it in a graceful way, and for two, I'm arrogant enough to think that people will be reading my work after I'm dead, and it probably won't matter then, anyway.

I'm working on a sci-fi/horror story at the moment that could contain a few huge societal issues, but I've managed to side step them for the most part. I have to wonder if this is wise. Am I being prudent to keep from alienating a group of readers, or am I missing a chance to make a splash and really say something? I guess we'd really only get to find out after the fact, so I think I'll just go with my gut here and leave most of them out.

I'll just have to hope that I'm doing it right the first time.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back at it

I guess I'll start this off with some good news: I got another story accepted! Sarah's Basement will be published by Death Head Grin ( in May. It's another mag that probably deserves more attention (and staff) than it currently gets. The work featured there is good, and I can only hope that this is a reflection on my own work.

The best part of this is that Sarah's Basement is a story that has been rejected a number of times in the past. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with it.

So I'm back to it, writing when I get a chance or the insanity threatens to consume me. It was great to finally get back to defacing clean pieces of paper again, but now I'm stuck without the time I want to write.

If there's anyone out there reading this that doesn't know me, I'm currently going (back) to school and when I'm not physically at the college, I'm a stay-at-home dad. While the rewards are many, the demands are also quite numerous. Sometimes, I need to call in a babysitter (thanks grandmas!) just to get my homework done. In the end, it's all worth it, I think.

This actually brings me to a point that kind of pains me to make. I am beginning to understand the reasoning behind the blanket requirement for a great number of places that an employee hold a bachelor's degree. I'm not saying that I agree with it, but I am beginning to understand it. I'll get more into that another time.

For now, I'm back to writing, my stories are once again in circulation (awaiting rejection or, hopefully, acceptance), and this blog can continue on. Hopefully I'll have more than just an update in the future. I think that I have a few pearls of wisdom to impart.

Until then, keep writing, reading and try not to sweat the small stuff.