Sunday, October 31, 2010


Well, my favorite holiday has come and is almost a memory for one more year.

Maybe it's just like this in the younger crowd that would be out drinking anyway, but at some point, Halloween stopped being such a harvest festival and started being more like a drink in costumes event. I'm not complaining, mind you, I just find it interesting.

Also, at midnight tonight NaNoWriMo will begin. (If you're confused, reference my previous post.)

On the subject of writing... what's that? Writing is the subject of my blog? Oh, yeah. Anyway, on the subject of writing, I wanted to compete in a Halloween short story writing competition this year. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything that had to do with Halloween and wasn't an overdone cliche until it was pretty late in October, so most of the contests were done or were at least done taking entries. Oh, well. I'll revise it and maybe find one I'd like to enter next year.

It was interesting (to me, anyway) that the story turned out to be one of the tamest stories I've written in recent memory. I have to wonder if that points to a deeper meaning with me. Something like: When it comes to Halloween, I'll always be a kid. Or something like that.

Well, I didn't get to go out with my friends this year, again. Trick or Treating was kind of a miserable failure at my house, too. I wonder if maybe I shouldn't just find some way to celebrate this ancient festival on my own since I've spent quite a few that way in recent years.

That was a pretty rambling and meandering thought train... (with a fair bit of what sounds like complaining. Didn't really mean it that way.) I guess I'll call it quits now.

Happy Halloween!

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